Golf Events

Within the archive database the list of golf events associated to this topic represents all the current, regularly played annual golf events. Most of these also have an associated Honour Board and/or Trophy. All the results of these events are updated as they occur.
The attachment 'Golf Event Trophies' lists all events and shows thumbnail pictures of each of the trophies and indicates which events have honour boards.
Golf events with shorter recurrence periods such as the men's Monthly Medal are not registered in the database. Some events that operated for a period and were then discontinued have been registered whilst there are others that have not been registered.

Related Topics

Topic Association Dates
Bill Mitchell Shield
Boy's Championship (Gross) (Harold Ingram Trophy)
Boy's Championship (Nett)
Broken Stick Challenge
City of Melville Cup
Corporate Cup
Cyril B. Wildy Memorial Trophy
Diggers Cup
Founders Cup
Girl's Championship (Gross) (Olive Evans Trophy)
Girl's Championship (Nett)
Helfers Medal Shield
Lefties vs Righties
MGGC Boy's Classic
MGGC Girl's Classic
MGGC Men's Champion of Champions (Dunhill Trophy)
Men's Championship (Gross)
Men's Championship (Nett) (Jack Bennett Trophy)
Men's Eclectic (Gross)
Men's Four Ball Match Play Knockout (Bruce Harvey Trophy)
Men's Foursomes Championship (Gross) (Ted Grigg Trophy)
Men's Foursomes Championship (Nett)
Men's Long Markers Championship (Nett) (Murray Day Trophy)
Men's Match Play Championship (Gross) (Tony Kelly Trophy)
Men's Match Play Championship (Nett) (John Cusack Trophy)
Mixed Foursomes Championship (Hugh Hancock Trophy)
Ron Carroll Trophy
Seletar Challenge Trophy
Seniors Winter Cup
Summer Cup
Women's Beryl Nicholls Memorial Trophy
Women's Championship (Gross)
Women's Championship Super Veteran Trophy
Women's Doris Strachan Bowl
Women's Eclectic Trophy (Gross)
Women's Four Ball Match Play Knockout
Women's Foursomes Championship (Gross)
Women's Foursomes Championship (Nett) Tea Tree Gully Trophy
Women's Joy Renner Trophy
Women's Jubilee Foursomes
Women's Match Play Championship (Gross)
Women's Match Play Championship (Nett)
Women's Megan Holmes Memorial Trophy
Women's Members' Trophy
Women's Most Improved Perpetual Trophy
Women's Perpetual Trophy (Championship 36 Hole Gross)
Women's Silver Anniversary Cup
Women's Silver Spoon
Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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