The City of Melville Cup golf event recognises the strong support and relationship that MGGC has with the City of Melville.
It is currently a mixed 18 hole par event.
It was changed from 36 holes to 18 in 1997 due to dwindling numbers of competitors, a concern that had also been raised in the minutes of a 1986 Board meeting. In 1997 it was also changed to occur on the Saturday of the club's annual opening day.
It was also previously a men only event. The year of that change has not yet been researched.
The Council of Management minutes detailed the preparations for the inaugural event:
7/7/1969 The Managing Secretary was instructed to write to the Mayor, R. F. Carroll advising him that he will be teeing off at 1.00 p.m. The foursome shall consist of the Vice President (Murray Day), Captain (A. G. Kelly) and Dr. Grigg (Councillor).
Catering to be organised for a luncheon on Sunday 31/8/1969.
15/9/69 ‘The Managing Secretary was instructed to write to Mr. A. O'Connell of Timberline Pty. Ltd., thanking him for his donation of the base for the City of Melville Cup.’
… and …
Honour Boards The Council agreed to the motion ‘… that a vote of thanks be accorded to Mr. M. Day for the donation of the Honour Boards.’