Women's Beryl Nicholls Memorial Trophy

This event is played by the Ladies in the Stableford format on a selected Thursday during the season.

Related Records

Record Association Dates
BERYL NICHOLLS TROPHY Event with associations to the winner's names 2016 -

Related Topics

Topic Association Dates
FOSTER, Kathleen Belle (Kathy) Winner 2016
NICHOLLS, Beryl Rose Event named after her 2016
WARD, Anne Winner 2017
RENDALL, Maureen Winner 2018
JONES, Robyn Winner 2019
NOT_PLAYED Not played due to Covid 19 pandemic 2020
VAN DER BRUGGHEN, Shirley Ann Winner 2021
HAYES, Beverley (Bev) Winner 2022
PARK, Jenny Winner 2023
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