
Mixed cadastral/topographic map of the area between Toodyay town and Bullsbrook.

The map is a reproduction created by the Australian Section of the Imperial General Staff and is dated to 1943, showing topography, vegetation types, waterways in addition to lots and property boundaries, as well as roads, railway lines, tracks and some farm buildings.

Printed on paper with coloured inks and shows minor tears along the margins, in particular the left margin. The map has yellowed with age and is severely creased as it has been previously stored in a folded state. The map also shows fraying and small tears along all edges but overall however is considered to be in good to moderate condition.

Historical information

This is one of a collection of cadastral five maps of the Avon region accessioned into the museum collection in 2012 (under accession numbers 2012.42 - 2012.46 inclusive). It is unknown how these five maps came to be located in the Museum Workshops however it is assumed they were once used by the Shire’s Planning Department and then donated.



Registration number
Item type
860 mm
Height or length
600 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Prepared by Australian Section Imperial General Staff

Contextual Information

Surveyed and compiled by the Department of Lands & Survey, Western Australia, under direction of the Australian Army Survey Service.
Control based on triangulation as carried out by the 4th Australian Field Survey Company

Place made
Statement of significance

The value of the items considered for accession lies in their research value as dated maps of land boundaries, farm buildings, tracks and rail lines for areas of the Avon region from 1942-1958. While these items are only of local significance, they are considered especially valuable in providing information for historical researchers in surrounding areas as well as Toodyay.
The Newcastle Gaol Museum currently has a number of 20th Century maps in the accessioned collection, including a small number of cadastral maps

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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Cadastral / topographic map of Toodyay & Bullsbrook
Cadastral / topographic map of Toodyay & Bullsbrook

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