c. 1970 - 1980

Two sets of negatives from the "Saga" company, with Historic "Buildings" handwritten on the inside cover.
a) The first set of negatives contains six views of Culham, three of Knockdominie and two of an unidentified sheep yard using a Harper fence. The photos are not high resolution but do give a good view of the structural components of each place.
b) The second set of negatives contains photos of buildings along Stirling Terrace as well as shots of Avondale in West Toodyay and Coorinja Winery. Again the photos are not high quality, but do provide a variety of vantage points to describe the structure of the buildings.
Both sets of negatives appear to be in good condition.

Historical information

It is unknown how these negatives came to be grouped together in the Museum Workshop. In terms of intellectual property, the original owner of these images is unknown but it is assumed that they were taken with the intent of recording Toodyay's wealth of historic structures. It is therefore assumed that these photos are intended to be kept for research or display.



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

The negative strips have now been individually scanned. Copies are available upon application to the museum curator at the Shire of Toodyay.

c. 1970 - 1980
Statement of significance

The value of the items considered for accession lies in their research value as a visual record of Toodyays historic buildings. While there is not enough detail in any image to provide a specific year, they nonetheless represent stages in the development of these structures.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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