Second World War POW postcard

c. 1942

Second World War Japanese prisoner of war postcard. Japanese symbols stamped on thin cardboard of front of card with handwritten address in ink. On back a brief message to his mother from Private L.O. MOIR. Dated 22/2/43.

Historical information

Private Lloyd Moir WX9338 2/4th Machine Gun Battalion arrived in Singapore early in 1942 just before the Japanese invasion. As a consequence, many of the 2nd/4th Machine Gun Battalion soldiers spent most of the war in various concentration camps throughout South East Asia hence the POW postcards.



Registration number
Item type
142 mm
Height or length
91 mm
Inscriptions and markings

On front of card Japanese symbols in red and purple. Handwritten in ink “MRS G.G. MOIR / GLENELG / BORDEN / WEST AUSTRALIA”. On back of card also handwritten in ink “ WX 9338 / PTE MOIR. L.O. / 22/2/43 / DEAR MUM / IN GOOD HEALTH, SO / DON’T WORRY / GIVE MY LOVE TO ALL AT / HOME, WITH LOVE TO ALL / FRIENDS. YOUR LOVING SON / LLOYD

Contextual Information

Local family.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
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Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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Second World War POW postcard - front
Second World War POW postcard - back

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