Shaw Children


Photograph of the 4 Shaw children standing in front of a low picket fence with high bush in background. William Alfred Shaw is wearing a three piece suit with tie and light coloured shirt. George James Shaw is wearing a three piece suit with tie and light coloured shirt and a light coloured neck jumper under vest. Arthur Edward Shaw has light coloured trousers and belt, dark jumper with collar and dark coat. Sarah Olive Shaw is wearing a dark heavy coat with 3 large buttons, light coloured shiny blouse or dress and pearl necklace.

Historical information

Sarah Olive Shaw Born 11/06/1911, at her Uncle Ted's (Edward Shaw's) home on 16 Stirling Rd. Daughter of William and Edith Shaw. Miss Shaw's grandfather Peter Shaw, and family arrived from Birmingham in 1897. Lived firstly in 41 Claremont Crescent, then built and moved to 21 Stirling Rd in 1917. The house never finished because of hardships of 1st World War and then depression. Sarah, (called Olive) the first child of William and Edith had 3 brothers, William Alfred b.1917, Arthur Edward b.1919 and George James b.1922. Miss Shaw continued living in the house at 21 Stirling Rd until December 1984, when she moved to a retirement home in Nedlands



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Shaw Children
Shaw Children
(Left To Right) William Alfred Shaw, George James Shaw, Arthur Edward Shaw, Sarah Olive Shaw 1939
Source: Claremont Museum 98.657

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