Ernest Rhys Tobias
1889Studio portrait of Ernest Rhys Tobias, mounted on card. He has short hair and a moustache and is wearing a jacket, high buttoned waistcoat, shirt and tie.
The portrait taken during a trip back to Wales in 1889.
Ernest Tobias, aged 21, arrived in Fremantle with his elder brother on the Orion in 1886 from South Wales. He shared a house in Goldsworthy Road Claremont with three other bachelors from about 1887 to 1892. The four men bought a block in Goldsworthy Road and sank either the first well in Goldsworthy Road or in Claremont on the block. Ernest rode a bicycle to Fremantle each day to work at Bateman's. In 1892, he walked from York to Coolgardie where he became a wholesale and retail merchant until 1903. He lived at 'Moana', 58 Victoria Avenue, with family c1903-1905.
Written on the back of the original in blue ink [Ernest Rhys Tobias m Louisa Francis 12.11.94./ father Gladys Beatrice m. G. Henry York 1922]
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 98.663'.
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Source: Claremont Museum 98.663
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