Baseball WA > Records

Dean Moyle (pitcher) - 1987 Western Australian Under-18 state baseball team


A colour photograph of Dean Moyle pitching in the 1987 Western Australian Under 18 state baseball team. He is wearing a long-sleeved black undershirt, white playing uniform with black and yellow bands around the short sleeves of the top and the waistband of the pants. The stripe down the outside leg is also black and yellow. The player's number on the back of the shirt is black. The cap is black with a white front panel on the crown. White socks and black stirrups complete the uniform.

Historical information

The 1987 Australian under-18 baseball championship was held in Syndey, New South Wales at Oriole Park in Auburn, from January 3rd to the 15th. Dean Moyle is shown pitching in the Western Australian state team at the championship.



Registration number
Item type
29.7000 cm
Height or length
21 cm
Contextual Information

A member of the Moyle family baseball dynasty, Dean Moyle's involvement in the sport started with T-ball, progressed through the junior league and included State junior representation. As a senior he competed in the state leagues and played in the Australian professional baseball league with the 'WA Brewers' and 'Perth Heat'.

The image was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by the Moyle family.

Place made
Statement of significance

The photograph has historic and social significance as it represents the rise of a talented young baseball player through the ranks of Western Australian baseball. It has impeccable provenance.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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Dean Moyle pitching in the 1987 Western Australian Under 18 state team
Dean Moyle pitching in the 1987 Western Australian Under 18 state team.

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