Baseball WA > Records

'Australian Rules Baseball' poster – Graeme Lloyd & David Nilsson

c. 1993

An A1-size poster on glossy coated paper with a photograph of two Milwaukee Brewers baseball players. Graeme Lloyd (pitcher with glove) and David Nilsson (in catcher's gear) are standing on the pitcher's mound at the Milwaukee Brewers' ground. They are wearing the Brewers' playing uniform of white jersey and pants, with narrow, vertical dark blue stripes, blue undershirts and cap. At the bottom of the poster are the words 'Australian Rules Baseball' in yellow shadowed text, outlined in blue and white. Below that are the names of the two players in white shadowed text.

Historical information

Graeme Lloyd and David Nilsson are two famous Australian baseballers who played major league for many years in the USA. They formed the first all-Aussie battery in the majors with the Milwaukee Brewers on April 14, 1993.

Lloyd eventually transferred to the New York Yankees, where he won two championship rings in the World Series (1996, 1998). Both Lloyd and Nilsson went on to secure coaching roles with Australian baseball.

The caption on this poster 'Australian Rules Baseball' is a play on the words 'Aussie rules football', which is the major football code played in Australia.



Registration number
Item type
58 cm
Height or length
89 cm
Inscriptions and markings

'Australian Rules Baseball'
'Graeme Lloyd'
'David Nilsson'

Contextual Information

It is a very significant image, as the poster depicts the pitching and catching battery at the Milwaukee Brewers. It is an Australian affair—the first time in baseball history.

The poster was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by Meredith Eddington.

Statement of significance

Two Australian players in the major league is very significant, particularly when they pitch and catch to each other in a major league game. It made baseball history.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
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'Australian Rules Baseball' poster - Lloyd & Nilsson
'Australian Rules Baseball'
Australians Graeme Lloyd and David Nilsson – the first all-Aussie battery in Major League Baseball.

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