Butter Barrow


A long wooden hemispherical funnel with iron bindings and mounted on an iron framework which would allow it to be tilted to allow the semi solid butter to be transferred from the Butter Churn to the Butter Worker machine

Historical information

It is unknown whether this Butter Barrow was actually used in this Butter Factory but we do know it was used in a Butter Factory here in the south west



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Contextual Information

The Butter Barrow was used to assist the movement of the butter from the Butter Churn to the Butter Worker machine. The butter at this stage would have been in large semi solid mass and factory workers would have had to manually manipulate it along the sloping barrow and into the Butter Worker.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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Butter Barrow
Butter Barrow

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