Butter Packer

c. 1940

A large complex piece of machinery which would take the 56 pound blocks of butter and cut them down to 1 or 1/2 pound blocks of wrapped butter ready for the market place

Historical information

It is unknown whether this Butter Packer was actually used in this Butter Factory but we do know it was used in a Butter Factory here in the south west



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Contextual Information

The Butter Packer machine would consume the 56 pound blocks of butter produced by the Butter Worker and cut these blocks down into 1 pound (0.454kg) or ½ pound (0.227 kg) blocks. It would then wrap the blocks before they exited the machine and the wrapped blocks were then delivered to the marketplace.

c. 1940
Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
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Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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Butter Packer machine
Butter Packer machine
 Butter Packer in action.
Butter Packer in action. Photo source unknown.

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