
A light brown rectangular cardboard ticket from the official opening of the signal box tourist information office on Jull Street Armadale. One side of the card has red text which reads [OFFICIAL OPENING / OF THE / SIGNAL BOX TOURIST / INFORMATION OFFICE / ARMADALE / 4-4-1992] with the date MAR 15-16 in black stamped on one end. The opposite side has text written in black which reads [W.A.G.R. / ARMADALE / TO / PERTH / 9178] with two dates - MAR 16 on one end ( probably had 15 as well ) and APRIL 4 on the opposite end. There is a notch clipped out of one end of the ticket were the No 15 would have been located.

Historical information

The original signal box was built in 1903 and became obsolete in 1989 when the signal system was electrified. The Commissioner for railways agreed to a suggestion by the tourist association to relocate the building to 40 Jull Street, next to the Armadale Hall, to be used as a tourist information centre.The ticket represents a train ride from Armadale to Perth after the official opening.



Registration number
Item type
30 mm
Height or length
56 mm
Statement of significance

This object is part of a larger collection of items that focuses on the history and impact of local government on the community. Local Government plays an important role in providing services to the local community and provides a snap shot into what issues are important to the local community. The object also represents the changing types of local government the district has experienced, road board to shire to town to city. Local Government, starting in the 1980s, started to play a role in the promotion of their regions to the local community and to a wider audience.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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