Subiaco Museum > Records



The sepia photograph shows 'Shenton House' which is a double storey house with a shingle roof and chimney. There are sliding sash windows in the upper storey. A verandah runs along two sides of the house. Four people (members of Sir George Shenton's family?) are standing on the verandah. A low garden wall is visible in the foreground and a high brick wall in the middle distance. The front garden wall has concrete urns on low pedestals. The photo is framed by trees. The house was built in the 1830's by Henry Sutherland and named 'Crawley Park'. It was progressively enlarged by him and in 1882 sold to George Shenton, Lord Mayor of Perth, who enlarged it further. Today it forms part of the campus of U.W.A. Museum holds copy of photograph only.



Registration number
Item type
158 mm
Height or length
250 mm
Statement of significance

early W.A. history

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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