'Colwyn' 50 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
Two photographs of 'Colwyn' 50 Victoria Avenue, Claremont.
Large red brick house with white banding, verandah columns and woodwork to gables of steep tiled roof which extends to form verandahs. Tall chimneys with pots and decorative ridge capping. Low stucco finish front fence with cyclone gate and curved pathway to front door. Lawn, shrubs and herbaceous border.
Rear of house. High white foundations and balustrades to balcony with enclosed section on south west corner. French doors and central doors, the lower one with sidelights and fanlight, opening onto verandah and balcony. Bay windows to rooms on right. Brick out buildings on right and steps down steep slope to terraced lawn with boat and equipment.
Home built by Arthur Bunning in 1909. Large two storeyed house with steeply pitched terracotta shingle roof extending over verandah. Appears to be location P255 - originally a pensioner guard block. Mrs Bunning disliked the strong winds off Freshwater Bay and 'Colwyn' was sold to J.B.L. Weir (Waddie Waddie Pastoral Co.) in 1922. Sold to JHC. & EV McCaulay in 1953 who lived there until 2006 when it was sold to Peter Bacich who undertook extensive conservation with input form the Museum. Block subdivided and lower, riverside portion sold. 'Colwyn' sold 2011.
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Nearest geotagged records:
- 'Colwyn', 50 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.03km away)
- 'Ivanhoe' 46 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.07km away)
- Efford's Shop, 18 Chester Road, Claremont (0.18km away)
- David Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.19km away)
- Keith Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.19km away)
- Mumme Children, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.19km away)
- Claremont Police Station (0.19km away)
- Police Station Before Conversion To Claremont Museum (0.2km away)
- David And Dorothy Henneker, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.2km away)
- Henneker Children, 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (0.2km away)
Nearby places:
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 05.275'.
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Other items from Claremont Museum
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- 51 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
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- 27 College Road, Claremont
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- 8 Caxton Road, Claremont
- Cabin Launch 'Janice'
- 79 Bay View Terrace, Claremont
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- 'Ivanhoe' Aviary
- 27 Riley Road, Claremont
- Claremont Museum

50 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 05.275a

50 Victoria Avenue, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 05.275b
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