Shop, 46 Princess Road, Claremont


Small shop with display window on left and wooden panelled door on right. Attached dwelling on left visible through fence of iron railings. Front of shop painted taupe with ornate pediment, finials iron lace and turned verandah posts etc picked out in white. Verandah emphasised in white. Rear of red car obscuring part of fence.

Historical information

According to rate books, the original owner was Mrs L A Ince, who owned the property until 1919. When Agnes King separated from her husband (EA King), who had operated a succession of grocery stores in Claremont, she rented and ran the shop in Princess Road and lived with her two daughters in the attached accommodation. The horse, used for delivery of orders, was left on the vacant lot next door (corner Princess Road and Caxton Road).
The shop was later owned and operated by the Robinson family from 1946 to 1949. In a real estate swap, the property was given to the McPharlins who in turn sold the property to Mr and Mrs Edwards who had arrived from England.



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Claremont Museum

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Shop, 46 Princess Road, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 05.278

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