MGGC Board of Management

1967 -
Melville Glades Board of Management (Previously "Council of Management")
This Subject provides a history of all people who served in primary roles on the club's Board of Management. Significantly, all Board members perform their roles on a voluntary basis.
This is primarily an annual history that has been taken from the honour boards and annual reports recording this service. These differ marginally from other sources, such as Management Committee minutes and Newsletters. This is due to the fact that the appointments occurred partway through the year and/or may not show people who took on an office after the serving member left their position.
Some background information follows.
The minutes of the inaugural General Meeting of the "Melville Area Golf Club" (later to be named the Melville Glades Golf Club) held on 29 May 1967 documented that an election to determine the office bearers and councillors of the club was conducted.
Those elected were:
President: V. E. Bennett
Vice President: M. Day
Captain: A. G. Kelly
Treasurer: H. Hancock
and four councillors (H. D. Ingram, B. L. Harvey, J. D. Cusack and E. W. Grigg).
In the period when the club operated as a Council of Management only the President, Vice President and Captain are associated to this subject to provide consistency with subsequent club structures.
Subsequent club constitutions altered the structure several times. The following description has been extracted from the Melville Glades Golf Club Constitution following the AGM June 2020.
This structure is used as the basis for recording the holders of Board positions through most of this history.
'Composition of the Board of Management - The management of the Club shall be vested in a Board of Management consisting of the following officers:
1. President - shall be official head of the club and chairman of the Board, presiding at all meetings and functions of the Club
2. Vice President
3. Finance Director
4. Captain and Director of Golf
5. Vice Captain
6. Course Director
7. House and Social Director
8. Director of Lady Members*
(* This position was approved and included on the Board at the 2011 AGM.)
All voting members shall be eligible to stand for all positions on the Board providing they have been ordinary members for a minimum of four (4) consecutive years and are financial at the time. The Term of Office for all Directors, shall be for two years, when existing Directors are eligible to re-nominate. Elected members of the Board shall assume their appointments at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which their election is declared. Elections are conducted at the annual general meeting and, to provide continuity, half the Board positions are vacated on a rotational basis.'
At the 2024 Annual General Meeting the position of House Director was abolished after a special resolution was approved by the membership. The special resolution for this change explained that the role of the position was to be carried out by management staff.

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Topic Association Dates
BENNETT, Victor Edgar (Jack) President 1967
DAY, Murray Vice President 1967
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Captain 1967
BENNETT, Victor Edgar (Jack) President 1968
DAY, Murray Vice President 1968
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Captain 1968
WHEATLEY, Vernon Charles Honorary Treasurer 1968
BENNETT, Victor Edgar (Jack) President 1969
DAY, Murray Vice President 1969
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Captain 1969
WHEATLEY, Vernon Charles Honorary Treasurer 1969
BENNETT, Victor Edgar (Jack) Past President 1970
DAY, Murray President 1970
GRIGG, Edward Walter (Ted) Captain 1970
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Vice President 1970
WHEATLEY, Vernon Charles Honorary Treasurer 1970
ARNOLD, Lawrence D. (Laurie) Honorary Treasurer 1971
BENNETT, Victor Edgar (Jack) Past President 1971
DAY, Murray President 1971
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Vice President 1971
WILDY, Cyril Bernard Captain 1971
ARNOLD, Lawrence D. (Laurie) Honorary Treasurer 1972
DAY, Murray Past President 1972
HARVEY, Bruce Lionel Vice President 1972
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) President 1972
WILDY, Cyril Bernard Captain 1972
ARNOLD, Herbert G. Honorary Treasurer 1973
DAY, Murray Past President 1973
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) President 1973
TAYLOR, Harold Hadwin Captain 1973
WILDY, Cyril Bernard Vice President 1973
ROBSON, Thomas William (Tom) Vice Captain 1973 Part 1
CUSACK, John D. Vice Captain 1973 Part 2
COOK, Thomas Arthur (Tom) Captain 1974
FINCH, James (Jim) Vice President 1974
KELLY, Anthony Graham (Tony) Past President 1974
MCCLEAN, Barry John Honorary Treasurer 1974
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Vice Captain 1974
WILDY, Cyril Bernard President 1974
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Vice Captain 1975
COOK, Thomas Arthur (Tom) Vice President 1975
DAY, Murray Past President 1975
MCCLEAN, Barry John Honorary Treasurer 1975
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Captain 1975
WILDY, Cyril Bernard President 1975
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Vice Captain 1976
FINCH, James (Jim) Vice President 1976
HOLMES, Geoffery Rowland (Geoff) President 1976
MCCLEAN, Barry John Honorary Treasurer 1976
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Captain 1976
WILDY, Cyril Bernard Past President 1976
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Captain 1977
COOKE, John Robinson Honorary Treasurer 1977
HOLMES, Geoffery Rowland (Geoff) President 1977
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Vice Captain 1977
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Vice President 1977
WILDY, Cyril Bernard Past President 1977
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Captain 1978
COOKE, John Robinson Honorary Treasurer 1978
HOLMES, Geoffery Rowland (Geoff) Past President 1978
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Vice Captain 1978
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) President 1978
STRACHAN, John Thomas Vice President 1978
COOKE, John Robinson Honorary Treasurer 1979
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Vice Captain 1979
HOLMES, Geoffery Rowland (Geoff) Past President 1979
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Captain 1979
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) President 1979
STRACHAN, John Thomas Vice President 1979
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Vice President 1980
COOKE, John Robinson Honorary Treasurer 1980
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Vice Captain 1980
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Captain 1980
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Past President 1980
STRACHAN, John Thomas President 1980
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Vice President 1981
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Captain 1981
JONES, John Garn Honorary Treasurer 1981
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Past President 1981
STRACHAN, John Thomas President 1981
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) President 1982
GRANGER, John Barrymore (Barry) Vice Captain 1982
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Captain 1982
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Vice President 1982
JONES, John Garn Honorary Treasurer 1982
STRACHAN, John Thomas Past President 1982
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) President 1983
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Captain 1983
HARRISON, John Leslie Vice Captain 1983
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) Vice President 1983
JONES, John Garn Honorary Treasurer 1983
STRACHAN, John Thomas Past President 1983
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Past President 1984
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM Vice President 1984
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Honorary Treasurer 1984
HARRISON, John Leslie Captain 1984
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) President 1984
BARNES, William Graham (Bill) Past President 1985
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM Vice President 1985
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1985
CASTLEY, Peter Robert Director of House 1985
HARRISON, John Leslie Captain 1985
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie) President 1985
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO Director of Course 1985
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Vice Captain 1985
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM President 1986
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1986
FACIUS, Evelyn Noel (Ev) Director of House 1986
MACDONALD, Robert Marquis Captain 1986
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1986
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM President 1987
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1987
MACDONALD, Robert Marquis Captain 1987
O'BRIEN, Frank Director of House 1987
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1987
BLACKER, Kevin P. Captain 1988
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM President 1988
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1988
O'BRIEN, Frank Director of House 1988
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1988
BLACKER, Kevin P. Captain 1989
BRICE, Allen Maxwell (Max) OAM President 1989
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1989
GLIDDON, Malcolm Maxwell (Mal) Director of House 1989
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1989
BROOKES, Leslie (Les) President 1990
CHARNOCK, Vivian John (Viv) Director of Finance 1990
O'BRIEN, Frank Director of House 1990
SARICH, Paul Winston Captain 1990
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1990
BROOKES, Leslie (Les) President 1991
CHARNOCK, Vivian John (Viv) Director of Finance 1991
O'BRIEN, Frank Director of House 1991
SARICH, Paul Winston Captain 1991
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1991
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Director of Finance 1992
O'BRIEN, Frank Director of House 1992
RANN, James Victor (Jim) President 1992
STEWART, Donald Keith (Don) Director of Course 1992
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Captain 1992 Part 1
CONNORS, Ronald William (Ron) Captain 1992 Part 2
BAILEY, Russell Norman Captain 1993
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Director of Finance 1993
PETKOVICH, Michael John (Mike) Director of House 1993
RAITT, Haydn Alan Director of Course 1993
RANN, James Victor (Jim) President 1993
ATKINS, Kevin John Director of House 1994
BAILEY, Russell Norman Captain 1994
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Vice Captain 1994
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Director of Finance 1994
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO Vice President 1994
RAITT, Haydn Alan Director of Course 1994
RANN, James Victor (Jim) President 1994
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Captain 1995
MCCAFFREY, Brian Director of House 1995
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Director of Finance 1995
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO Vice President 1995
PHILLIPS, Lance Peter Vice Captain 1995
RAITT, Haydn Alan Director of Course 1995
RANN, James Victor (Jim) President 1995
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1996
HARBURN, Colin Malcolm Vice President 1996
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of House 1996
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO President 1996
RAITT, Haydn Alan Director of Course 1996
WALKER, John Langdon Vice Captain 1996
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Captain 1996 Part 1
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 1996 Part 2
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1997
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 1997
HARBURN, Colin Malcolm Vice President 1997
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of House 1997
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO President 1997
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 1997
WALKER, John Langdon Vice Captain 1997 Part 1
ALDRICH, Barry Trevor Vice Captain 1997 Part 2
BYERS, Douglas Norman Trevor (Doug) Director of Finance 1998
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 1998
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Vice Captain 1998
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Vice President 1998
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of House 1998
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO President 1998
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 1998
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 1999
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) Vice President 1999
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Vice Captain 1999
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Director of Finance 1999
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of House 1999
PALMER, Ernest Lawrence (Laurie) AO President 1999
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 1999
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) President 2000
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Captain 2000
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Director of Finance 2000
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of House 2000
SMITH, Robin Melville (Rob) Vice President 2000
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 2000
WATSON, Thomas James (Tom) Vice Captain 2000 Part 1
BAILEY, Russell Norman Vice Captain 2000 Part 2
BAILEY, Russell Norman Vice Captain 2001
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) President 2001
HENDRIE, Ronald Thomas (Ron) Captain 2001
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Director of Finance 2001
MACKAY, Andrew Director of House 2001
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 2001
SMITH, Robin Melville (Rob) Vice President 2001 Part 1
HENDRIE, David Kenneth (Dave) Vice President 2001 Part 2
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) President 2002
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Director of Finance 2002
MACKAY, Andrew Director of House 2002
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Captain 2002
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2002
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 2002
BAILEY, Russell Norman Vice Captain 2002 Part 1
DITZ, Thomas Julius (Tom) Vice Captain 2002 Part 2
HANNAH, Ian Maxwell (Max) President 2003
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) Director of Finance 2003
MORAN, Donnell Loxley (Don) Captain 2003
RICKWOOD, Ian James (Ian) Vice Captain 2003
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2003
TAYLOR, Robert Hugh (Robbie) Director of Course 2003
MACKAY, Andrew Director of House 2003 Part 1
CURNOW, Carol Director of House 2003 Part 2
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2004
CURNOW, Carol Director of House 2004
DITZ, Thomas Julius (Tom) Director of Course 2004
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2004
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2004
RICKWOOD, Ian James (Ian) Captain 2004
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2004
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2005
CURNOW, Carol Director of House 2005
DITZ, Thomas Julius (Tom) Director of Course 2005
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2005
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2005
RICKWOOD, Ian James (Ian) Captain 2005
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2005
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2006
DITZ, Thomas Julius (Tom) Director of Course 2006
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2006
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2006
MEARS, Karyn Lorraine Director of House 2006
RICKWOOD, Ian James (Ian) Captain 2006
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2006
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2007
DITZ, Thomas Julius (Tom) Director of Course 2007
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2007
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2007
MEARS, Karyn Lorraine Director of House 2007
RICKWOOD, Ian James (Ian) Captain 2007
SIMPSON, Andrew Vincent Vice President 2007
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2008
DITZ, Patricia Marlene (Trish) Director of House 2008
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2008
GORE, Daryl John Vice President 2008
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2008
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2008
SMITH, Robin Melville (Rob) Director of Course 2008
DITZ, Patricia Marlene (Trish) Director of House 2009
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2009
HERON, William Cowan (Bill) President 2009
RUSSELL, Kevin John Director of Finance 2009
SMITH, Robin Melville (Rob) Director of Course 2009
ELLIFFE, J. (Johnny) Vice President 2009 Part 1
HILLS, Kevin Vice Captain 2009 Part 1
PRINGLE, David Warren Vice President 2009 Part 2
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Vice Captain 2009 Part 2
DITZ, Patricia Marlene (Trish) Director of House 2010
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2010
PRINGLE, David Warren President 2010
RUSSELL, Kevin John Director of Finance 2010
SMITH, Robin Melville (Rob) Director of Course 2010
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Vice Captain 2010
YEUDALL, John Vice President 2010
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2011
HAINES, Cheryl Anne Director of Lady Members 2011
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of House 2011
PRINGLE, David Warren President 2011
RUSSELL, Kevin John Director of Finance 2011
WALKER, John Langdon Director of Course 2011
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Vice Captain 2011
YEUDALL, John Vice President 2011
ALLOMES, Gary Vice President 2012
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2012
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2012
HAINES, Cheryl Anne Director of Lady Members 2012
KIRTON, James William Director of House 2012
PRINGLE, David Warren President 2012
WALKER, John Langdon Director of Course 2012
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Vice Captain 2012
ALLOMES, Gary Vice President 2013
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Director of House 2013
BOROS, Joseph (Joe) Director of Finance 2013
DOHERTY, Peter Hugh Captain 2013
HAINES, Cheryl Anne Director of Lady Members 2013
PRINGLE, David Warren President 2013
WALKER, John Langdon Director of Course 2013
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Vice Captain 2013
ALLOMES, Gary Vice President 2014
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Director of House 2014
CLARK, Andrew John Vice Captain 2014
HAINES, Cheryl Anne Director of Lady Members 2014
THOMAS, Robert Frederick (Bob) Director of Finance 2014
WALKER, John Langdon President 2014
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Captain 2014
WOODWARD, Bruce Campbell Director of Course 2014
ALLOMES, Gary Vice President 2015
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Director of House 2015
CLARK, Andrew John Vice Captain 2015
CONSTABLE, Rod Director of Finance 2015
WALKER, John Langdon President 2015
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Captain 2015
WOODWARD, Bruce Campbell Director of Course 2015
HAINES, Cheryl Anne Director of Lady Members 2015 Part 1
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of Lady Members 2015 Part 2
ALLOMES, Gary President 2016
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Director of House 2016
CLARK, Andrew John Vice Captain 2016
CONSTABLE, Rod Director of Finance 2016
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of Lady Members 2016
RIDGE, Jason Vice President 2016
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Captain 2016
WOODWARD, Bruce Campbell Director of Course 2016
ALLOMES, Gary President 2017
CLARK, Andrew John Vice Captain 2017
CONSTABLE, Rod Director of Finance 2017
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2017
O'BRIEN, Margaret Mary Director of Lady Members 2017
RIDGE, Jason Vice President 2017
WEBB, Rodney James (Rod) Director of House 2017
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Captain 2017
ALLOMES, Gary President 2018
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2018
MARSH, Jennifer (Jenny) Director of Lady Members 2018
WEBB, Rodney James (Rod) Director of House 2018
CLARK, Andrew John Vice Captain 2018 Part 1
CONSTABLE, Rod Director of Finance 2018 Part 1
RIDGE, Jason Vice President 2018 Part 1
WHITE, Bruce Shaun Captain 2018 Part 1
ALLOMES, Gary Director of Finance 2018 Part 2 Acting
CLARK, Andrew John Captain 2018 Part 2
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) Vice Captain 2018 Part 2
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) Vice President 2018 Part 2
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) Vice Captain 2018 Part 3
CLARK, Andrew John Captain 2019
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2019
MARSH, Jennifer (Jenny) Director of Lady Members 2019
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) Vice Captain 2019
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) Vice President 2019
SCOTT, Barry David Director of Finance 2019
WATSON, Ian Duncan Director of House 2019
ALLOMES, Gary President 2019 Part 1
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) President 2019 Part 2
CLARK, Andrew John Captain 2020
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2020
MARSH, Jennifer (Jenny) Director of Lady Members 2020
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) Vice President 2020
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) President 2020
SCOTT, Barry David Director of Finance 2020
WATSON, Ian Duncan Director of House 2020
CLARK, Andrew John Captain 2021
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2021
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) Vice President 2021
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) President 2021
SCOTT, Barry David Director of Finance 2021
WATSON, Ian Duncan Director of House 2021
MARSH, Jennifer (Jenny) Director of Lady Members 2021 Part 1
COLLINGS, Cheryl Jane Director of Lady Members 2021 Part 2
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Vice President 2022
COLLINGS, Cheryl Jane Director of Lady Members 2022
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Director of Course 2022
HOLMES, Garry Vice Captain 2022
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) President 2022
PETKOVICH, Michael John (Mike) Captain 2022
WATSON, Ian Duncan Director of House 2022
SCOTT, Barry David Director of Finance 2022 Part 1
RUSSELL, Ian James Director of Finance 2022 Part 2
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) Vice President 2023
NORQUAY, Kenneth Gordon (Ken) President 2023
PETKOVICH, Michael John (Mike) Captain 2023
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) Director of Lady Members 2023
RUSSELL, Ian James Director of Finance 2023
THOMAS, Matt Vice Captain 2023
WEBB, Rodney James (Rod) Director of House 2023
WILLIAMS, Nigel Edward Director of Course 2023
BONSER, Marcus Frederick (Mark) President 2024
QUINONES, Susanne (Sue) Director of Lady Members 2024
RUSSELL, Ian James Director of Finance 2024
THOMAS, Matt Vice President 2024
WARD, Anne Vice Captain 2024
WILLIAMS, Nigel Edward Director of Course 2024
PETKOVICH, Michael John (Mike) Captain 2024 Part 1
HINCE, Raymond John (Ray) Captain 2024 Part 2
MGGC Board of Management
MGGC Board of Management