JOHNSTON, Lawrence Leslie (Laurie)

The four photographs of Laurie are:
1. circa 1980 Laurie 'ringing the bell' to denote a free drink to those present
2. circa 1980 Laurie at the same location with eyes partially closed, and likely responding to a humorous comment from the members.
3. Undated, with Laurie possibly performing a trophy presentation during his period as club Captain in 1979-80.
4 1984 taken from a group photograph

Related Records

Record Association Dates
PLAYERS REVUE CIRCA 1982 circa 1982

Related Topics

Topic Association Dates
Foundation Members 1969
Men's Four Ball Match Play Knockout (Bruce Harvey Trophy) Winner 1975
MGGC Board of Management Vice Captain 1977
MGGC Board of Management Vice Captain 1978
MGGC Board of Management Captain 1979
MGGC Board of Management Captain 1980
MGGC Board of Management Vice President 1982
Men's Veterans Cup Winner 1982
MGGC Board of Management Vice President 1983
MGGC Board of Management President 1984
MGGC Board of Management President 1985
JOHNSTON, Dawn Evelyn Spouse
Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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Johnston, Laurie circa 1980 1
Johnston, Laurie circa 1980 1
Johnston, Laurie
Johnston, Laurie
Johnston, Laurie circa 1980 2
Johnston, Laurie circa 1980 2
Johnston, Laurie 1984
Johnston, Laurie 1984