
Two General Meetings were held in 2021.

The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 25th March included:

    • Receipt of the reports from all the Board members
    • The audited accounts for the past year were received.
    • The Board positions for Directors of Course, Finance, House and Lady Members were elected unopposed.
    • Members of all Management Committees appointments were elected unopposed.
    • A Special Resolution to amend the Constitution to conform with the Act regarding the charging of fees for periodic payments of subscriptions was carried.
    • In Other Business several questions and statements were presented by members with each being responded to by the President.
    • General Business considered a motion proposed by Ron Connors that “A moratorium on any course development/redevelopment…until the current Kikuyu invasion is obviously no longer a threat to the wintergreen couch status our course enjoys…”. After various debate, the motion was lost on a show of hands.
    • During Other Business the President gave updates on the renewal of the club’s land lease, the positive 2020 financial result, work towards a 1, 3, 7-year Capital Expenditure plan, and a review of the Constitution by the Constitution Review Committee.

The Special General Meeting on 30th November was held to seek members “approval to fund the supply and installation of a new automatic Course Irrigation System”. Details of the system were provided in the Motion document which showed a cost of $1,469,902.

Rod Constable asked several questions of the Board, particularly the funding process of the cost.

After discussion the motion was carried.



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Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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