History of the Australian Air League from their website
Australian Air League side cap with metal badge
c. 1940Dark blue wool side cap or forage cap with two matching buttons attached by thread, and a silver metal badge for the Australian Air League on one side. It has light blue braid or piping around the top edges.
The badge has the letters 'AAL' in the centre of a circular wreath. At the top there is a scroll containing the motto 'A Vinculo Terrae', meaning “Free from the bonds of the Earth”. There are outstretched wings on either side.
The cap can be folded flat when not being worn.
Sidecaps such as this are being worn by the Girls Section of the Australian Air League, Leichhardt Company in their portraits.
The Australian Air League (AAL) is a not-for-profit, civilian operated aviation youth organisation in Australia.
A comprehensive history of the Australian Air League is attached.
On top of badge
In centre of badge:
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