
This nightdress sachet is an example of original late 19th century Irish mountmellick embroidery worked on white jean fabric with heavy cotton thread. The design of flowers and plants of the Irish hedgerows, is typical of this technique as are the stitches - mountmellick, braid stitch, Romanian couching and others. The borders are edged with a narrow crochet lace.



Registration number
Embroiderers' Guild of WA

Embroiderers' Guild of WA

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Mountmellick sachet
Mountmellick sachet
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet detail
Mountmellick sachet
Mountmellick sachet

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