
Audio tape with the ABC logo and title Australian Broadcasting Corporation C30 and the handwritten note Archaeological Dig Dr Alistair Paterson.
The tape is a five minute interview on ABC radio with Dr Paterson during the 2002 excavations of the Newcastle Police Stables and Newcastle Gaol.
The subjects of the interview include the heat of the dig in summer, the local interest in the dig, the methods the archaeologists used to research the site and some of the artefacts that were uncovered.
The interview then expands the scope of the conversation to include the relative ages of convict sites in the context of Australian and European history and future research areas.
The tape is in good condition and the interview was recorded to a high quality (given the constraints of the technology).



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

ABC logo

Contextual Information

Digitised April 2020 as 2020.233
It can be assumed that the ABC interview may have been included with the report provided to the Shire after the 2002 excavations. In regards to copyright, the ABC interview is still under copyright by the ABC, making this tape free to use for research but requiring permission from the ABC for use in display

Statement of significance

If permission is granted, the interview could be an excellent accompaniment to future displays of Toodyays history and development

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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