Claremont Hospital For The Insane
c. 1910Large public building with stone ground floor and brick upper floor. Bay windows to both floors at either end and a central porch with arched entries and balcony above. Gabled roof and decorative chimneys. Terracing to surrounds and curved drive to entrance.
First male patients admitted c.1903. Designed by J H Grainger, Public Works Department principal architect. Twenty five buildings in a crescent shape with Montgomery Hall in the centre of the crescent. Situated on Davies Road, 390 acres on Government reserve. Surrounded by farm land which was farmed, with patient involvement, to help feed inmates and those of other government institutions. Accommodation for 85 patients, workshops and stores completed. Official opening was in 1908. During 1938-41 admission and treatment block were added. Leased by the military during World War II. Divided in 1972 to become Graylands Hospital and Swanbourne Hospital.
On rear [Published by Bulloch Bros., Claremont, W.A. Copyright. Printed in Saxony.]
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Source: Claremont Museum 02.73
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