Claremont Hospital For The Insane Workers


Eight building workers sitting on pieces of timber in the sand with their backs to a brick building. They are wearing boots, working pants, light shirts and waistcoats, felt hats or caps. The man on the right is Peter Shaw.

Historical information

1903 first male patients admitted. Designed by JH Grainger architect. 25 buildings in crescent shape with Montgomery Hall in centre of crescent. Site on Davies Road, 390 acres on Government reserve. Surrounded by farm land which was cultivated to help feed inmates. Accommodation for 85 patients, workshops and stores completed. 1908 official opening. 1938-41 additions of admission and treatment block. Leased by Military. Divided in 1972 to form Graylands Hopsital and Swanbounre Hospital. In 1933 the hospital became known as the Claremont Mental Hospital.



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Claremont Hospital For The Insane Workers
Claremont Hospital For The Insane Workers
Peter Shaw on the right.
Source: Claremont Museum 98.235

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