Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1950

Badge for the Subiaco Radio Society stored in a small lidded, metal tin packed with cotton wool.
Round brass medallion with enamelled finish. 'Subiaco Radio Society' on a white background on the outer edge of the medallion; centre is blue with radio society logo [wings, radio valve, electricity waves]. A bracket with a hole is incorporated on to the top edge; a hole is incorporated into the design at the bottom of the medallion; this area is damaged.
Badge was stored in metal lidded tin. Lid features a red carnation with stem, and a green checkered pattern with 'Cuxson Gerrard and Co Ltd, Oldbury Warley, Worc., Eng.' Two sticky labels, top and bottom, have 'medal' written on them. Rest of tin casement has black and white stripes with instructions on back for use of contents [corn caps].

Historical information

Medallion: brass, enamel. Lidded tin: metal and paint.



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Statement of significance

Local history - interest and social group in Subiaco

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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