Smilers Hockey Team

c. 1916

A sepia photograph of twenty six women dressed in long dark skirts, long sleeved white shirts and wide ties. There are two rows of women standing, one seated on chairs and five women sitting on the floor who have crossed their hockey sticks. The photograph is taken in a studio, and is mounted on cream embossed cardboard.



Registration number
Item type
25 cm
Height or length
17 cm
Inscriptions and markings

On the front of the photograph and to the left printed in brown ink is "H.C. Biltoft Paris Panel, Ideal Studio, Katanning, Western Australia".

On the back of the photograph handwritten in pencil at the top right is "year incorrect as was still at school probably 1916"

On the back of the photograph handwritten in blue ink is "First Katanning Girl's Hockey Club 'The Smilers' 1915 1912 x (married name where known are in brackets) Back Row:- Effie Kleeman (Jones), Bessie Harris (Tyler), Vera Rogers (Marris), Laura Armstrong (Robertson), Amy Armstrong; Next Row:- Vera Saunders (Peacock), Flo Thomson, Gladys Rogers (Stewart), Alice Ilitt (Stranach), Maudie Byrnes (Gratwick), Marjorie Green (Prentice), Lena Quartermaine (Hanna), May Cleverly (Farrell), Kitty Hooper (Blair), Marjorie Kirkpatrick, Eva Beeck (Marton), Next Row (sitting):- Vera Crosby (Watts), Bessie Gibert (Barkla), Grace Rogers - Captain (Fildis), Dorothy Kirkpatrick, Lily Wright (Drew) Front Row:- Nellie Rogers (Haslam), Gladys Cockwill (Lamp), Kyra Crosby, Nell Manton (Landills), Myrtle Orr (Stonestreet)."
Below the list of names is written "A complete list of names appears on page 212 in 'A Place to Meet'(7/9/88 RSA.)"
On the bottom right handwritten in blue ink is "Miss Kyra Crosby. I was not a foundation member joined 1915 Kyra Crosby"

Public Location

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

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Smilers Hockey Team
Smilers Hockey Team
Back of photograph of Smilers Hockey Team
Back of photograph of Smilers Hockey Team
List of names of women in photograph
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