2019Two General Meetings were held in 2019.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 28th March included:
- Receipt of the reports from all the Board members
- The audited accounts for the past year were received after questioning from Mike Glasson and a response from Gary Allomes.
- The Board positions for Directors of Finance, Course, House, and Lady Members were elected unopposed.
- Members of Management Committees appointments were completed with an election conducted to decide successful candidate for House and others unopposed. No nominations were received for the Match Committee.
- Four Special Resolutions were considered, and all were carried:
- To clarify the terminology regarding ballots
- To ensure all members with voting rights could also propose/second Special Resolutions
- To modernise the referencing to the Membership Committee
- To provide more scope to retain younger members
- Other Business included:
- Mark Bonser asked the Board to explain the purpose of the MoU with the City of Melville regarding the John Connell Reserve Project and the renewal of the lease on which the club operates.
- Mark Bonser requested the Board produce a Balance Sheet in its quarterly financial statements
- Mark Bonser requested the Board include the Capital Expenditure Budget in the budget documents posted on the notice board each year
- Mike Glasson recommended the Board involve members on proposed Membership structures for Subscriptions. Mike was invited to meet with the Membership Committee.
The Special General Meeting on 24th October was called to consider a Special Resolution for a motion regarding the club’s proposed New Membership Category and Fee Structure and adopt the associated revised Constitution rules.
The feature of the new structure was a single class of Ordinary membership with a reduced annual subscription fee. In addition, the annual House credit charge of $300 was removed.
After a member question the motion was carried.
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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Topic | Association | Dates |
General Meeting Minutes | 2019 |

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