2018Two General Meetings were held in 2018.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 27th March included:
- Receipt of the reports from all the Board members
- The audited accounts for the past year were received after several member’s questions and responses from the Board and General Manager.
- The Board positions for President, Vice President, Captain, and Vice Captain appointments were completed with the Vice Captain being the only position decided by an election from two nominees.
- Members of Management Committees appointments were completed with elections conducted to decide successful candidates for Course, Match, and Membership and Marketing Committee representatives. No nominations were received for the House, and Juniors Committees.
- Six Special Resolutions were considered:
- Minor Constitution amendments to comply with the new Incorporation Act - Passed
- A Dispute Resolution process added to the Constitution to comply with the new Incorporation Act - Passed
- Clarification of the Constitution ‘s absentee voting process – Passed
- To allow all Ordinary members to stand for all Board positions – Passed.
- To include the House credit as a charge of the club in the Constitution – Failed
- To limit the increases in charges to members that the Board may impose each year to less than 10% - Failed
- Rod Constable clarified aspects of the financial statements related to membership subscriptions and stated that the club was trading appropriately and was not unfinancial.
- Various General Business was raised and discussed.
The Special General Meeting of 12th September was called to make the Special Purpose Membership Flexi-7 a permanent membership category. The Resolutions to achieve this and the notice of meeting are included in this Item.
The Flexi-7 membership category was introduced to capture new members who were likely to have limited opportunities to play golf but still wanted to join a private golf club. This membership category had a reduced annual subscription fee and restrictions on the number of golf rounds that they could play. After a trial of the category implemented by the club's Board this meeting was called to formally include the Flexi-7 category in the club's Constitution and By-Laws.
No minutes could be located regarding the proceedings of this meeting. However, Newsletter October 2018 (Item 2021.185) reported that the new membership category changes were passed at the meeting.
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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Topic | Association | Dates |
General Meeting Minutes | 2018 |

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