Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1908

Image: Black and white photograph of girls and teachers (?) from Subiaco State School taken against a brick and weatherboard wall. The girls in the two back rows are standing; those in the second row from the front are seated on chairs; and the front row girls are seted cross-legged on a mat on the ground. The donor's mother, Mary Schnitzler, was 15 years at the time and is second from the right in the third row. The girls all wear long-sleeved dresses with white Eton-type collars and ties, except for three of the girls in the front row who wear lace collars, while the girl at the centre has a sailor collar and tie. Two ladies wearing elaborae hats, and a gentleman in a suit and fob watch over his waistcoat are seated at the centre of the second row fron the front. They are presumably teachers. A pair of Indian clubs and three pairs of dumb-bells arranged on the mat in front indicate that this was a team of gymnasts.
Frame and Mount: The mount is a dull green colour and the wooden frame has a row of ornamental wood carving running along the raised rim.

Historical information

The photograph was in the posession of Mrs Mary Rankin (nee Schnitzler).
The donor's mother, Mary Schnitzler, was 15 years at the time and is second from the right in the third row.



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

The Ruskin Studio, Bairds Arcade, Perth

Statement of significance

Historical significance: Subiaco State School.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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