Tableware, Bay View Terrace


Crossroads at Bay View Terrace and Stirling Highway with a view across to Claremont Park. Tableware shop in foreground and Richard's Electrical Retravision on the opposite corner. Sign for Claremont Home Furnishers. View includes traffic lights and bus stop in lower part of street across to Bowling Club building and high rise units in Continental Court and others on Victoria Avenue in distance.

Historical information

Photographic series taken to complement the historical scenes for publication in the Claremont Diary 1987 compiled by Friends Assoc for centenary of Bay View Terrace. Most photographs taken on a Sunday to avoid traffic.



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Printing detail in ink on rear.


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Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Tableware, Bay View Terrace
Tableware and Richard's Electrical Retravision
Bay View Terrace
Source: Claremont Museum 99.12

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