Fabric Nouveau And Overdrive, Bay View Terrace


Two storied buliding with cantilever concave verandah over pavement and two shops. Upper storey balcony with turned wood posts and metal arrow head railing. Roof not visible. Three sets of verandah doors at upper level. Ground level - Fabric Nouveau and Overdrive fashion shops with models in windows and [SALE] signs.

Historical information

Photographic series taken to complement the historical scenes for publication in the Claremont Diary 1987 compiled by Friends Assoc for centenary of Bay View Terrace. Most photographs taken on a Sunday to avoid traffic.



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Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Fabric Nouveau And Overdrive, Bay View Terrace
Fabric Nouveau And Overdrive
Bay View Terrace
Source: Claremont Museum 99.15

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