Shire of Capel > Records

Williams family portraits

c. 1890 - 1940

A series of three black and white portraits of couples. The first is a middle-aged couple wearing formal attire of the late 19th or early 20th century. The second image is a wedding portrait with a young man standing by his bride who is seated. The style is early 20th century. The third image is also a wedding couple.

Historical information

The series represents three generations of the Williams family and their spouses. The first to settle in the Capel area was Thomas, who arrived in the 1960s, and married Elena Dilley, whose family also settled during that decade.



Registration number
Place made
Shire of Capel, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Public Location
Ron Maidment Archives
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Thomas and Elena Williams
Thomas Williams was a trooper who spent his early years guarding convict road gangs and scouring the Wellington district for absconders. When he had enough savings he purchased a lot on the Capel River. Thomas married Elena Dilley in 1867. Elena was the daughter of William and Ellen Dilley who arrived in the district with their daughters some time during the 1860s.
Frederick & Martha Williams
Colin and Dulcie Williams

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