Shire of Capel > Records

Clover harvester at Boyanup


A series of sepia images depicting people gathered around a clover harvester. One photo features a British Wallis tractor, while another shows the harvester hitched to a Holt Caterpillar tractor. The photos feature Andrew Mahlberg (b. 1875), his wife Margaret Flora Mabel Rose McCulloch (b. 1879) and daughters Gloria, Muriel, Hazel and Beryl. Also featured in the images are men from the WA Agricultural Department, machinery agents and farm workers.

Historical information

The Clayton & Shuttleworth clover harvester was imported from England to WA by Andrew Mahlberg, and was one of the first in the Boyanup district. The harvester could separate the husk off the clover seed.



Registration number
cwa-org-54-IMG410, IMG411, IMG412
Place made
Shire of Capel, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Capel

Shire of Capel

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Clover harvester
Close up photo of the Clayton & Shuttleworth harvester. Andrew Mahlberg standing in front of machine.
Clover harvester
Pictured are men from the Agricultural Department and machinery agents, workmen and family. Andrew Mahlberg standing in front of machine, daughters top to bottom, Gloria, Muriel, Hazel and Beryl, Mrs Mahlberg on the left of group with daughter's hand on her shoulder.
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Clover harvester
Tom Depiazi is driving the tractor. Standing at the rear of the tractor is Andrew Mahlberg.

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