Boyanup Ladies Hockey Team
1932Sepia photograph of ladies hockey team lined up for team photo.
The Boyanup Women's Hockey Team was founded in 1930, folded in 1978, and was 'resurrected' in 2000. According to local legend, when the first men's team formed in 1934 it was the ladies who taught them how to play. (Source:
A list of names accompanies the photograph:
Ester Hornsby (Falkingham), Mary Stephens (Reilly), Rita Bryce (McCarthy), Ethel Bryce (Bryce), Irma Bryce (Houden), Marjory Hurst (Wass & Caldwell), Babs Laurance (Millar), Clare Page (Stephens), Molly Smith (Morris), Dora Reilly (Hurst), Essie Simmons (Leach).
Other items from Shire of Capel
- Boyanup State School 1916
- Runnymead School
- Hurst brothers - sons of Thomas and Ann Elizabeth Hurst
- Boyanup War Memorial unveiling
- Clover harvester at Boyanup
- Model T Ford truck carting clover burr
- Leach's Imperial Pictures motorised van
- Sam and Charlie Rose with George Payne, First World War
- Capel children in fancy dress, 1931
- Boyanup Fettlers
- Boyanup State School 1939
- Charlotte Simmons