1922Diary recording activities associated with the property "Newgain", located on Dumbarton Road, Dumbarton in the Shire of Toodyay, Western Australia. Also including documents found inserted into the diary pages. The diary was written by Frank Twine.
a) A small brown board covered diary for 1922. The cover is marked Woods ' Australian Diary for 1922 and contains various advertisements. There are 3 days per page and the pages are interleaved with blotting paper. The diary is in poor condition showing mould and water damage but the contents are legible.
Most entries are made using pen and ink with some in pencil.
There are some days without an entry.
The entries mostly relate to the farm business with the occasional personal notation.
b) Sales note and remittance advice from Elder Smith for the private sale of 40 lambs.
c) Letter from The West Australian Trotting Association relating to the transfer of a horse.
See also Shire of Toodyay accession numbers 2017-7 for other documents relating to Newgain.

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