1915Diary recording activities associated with the property "Newgain", located on Dumbarton Road, Dumbarton in the Shire of Toodyay, Western Australia. Also including two documents found inserted into the diary pages. The diary was written by Frank Twine.
a) A board covered small dairy for 1915 and marked Letts No 35 Australasian Rough Diary. The covers are stone coloured with red printing. Three days to the left page and four to right which includes Sunday. In between the pages is blotting paper. Most entries are in pencil and not every day has an entry.
b) A promissory note signed by James S Twine for the sum of seventy five pounds payable to A & F Twine.
c) A pencil written copy of a War Census for 1915 for Henry James and Ann Eleanor Twine
See also Shire of Toodyay accession numbers 2017-7 for other documents relating to Newgain
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