1920Diary recording activities associated with the property "Newgain", located on Dumbarton Road, Dumbarton in the Shire of Toodyay, Western Australia. Also including documents found inserted into the diary pages. The diary was written by Frank Twine.
a) A quarto sized Woods Australian Diary for 1920 with faded green board covers. The covers have advertising for mainly Sydney basedccompanies.
Alternate pages have either 3 or 4 days to a page and there is blotting paper interleaved between each one.
The entries are mainly made in ink.
b) Three bank deposit slips.
c) Receipt from The Westralian Farmers Ltd for Benzine Oil.
d) A letter from Mr R Elphick advising that he would be burning in his paddock and asking for assistance.
e) An invoice from Newgain to J F Ellery for shearing 916 sheep, 14 rams and details of other charges for 20 meals and supply of of 2 Jersey Bulls.
f) A sales note from Elders Smith & Co Ltd for 4 baconners sold at Midland Junction. A cheque was noted as being sent..
See also Shire of Toodyay accession numbers 2017-7 for other documents relating to Newgain
Frank Twine

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