Clive Street, Katanning looking East

c. 1891

A faded black and white photograph taken in front of railway tracks looking down the street. After the railway tracks are two wooden street lights. Further down the street is a two storey building with a balcony. On the right hand side are two electricity poles and a single storey building and further down the street another two storey building. There are three children walking up the road on the left hand side and a man on the right hand side also walking up the road. There are three trees planted on the right hand side of the pavement.

Historical information

The street lights suggest that the photograph was taken c1891.



Registration number
Item type
19 cm
Height or length
13 cm
Inscriptions and markings

On the two storey building on the left, there is a sign which reads 'R.H.M. ?Doe Draper'. On the right hand single storey building is a sign 'Katanning Crown Lands Agency Applications and Rent', the remaining writing cannot be deciphered. On the two storey building on the right is written 'W.J. Rogers', the remaining writing cannot be deciphered.

On the back of the photograph written in pencil is 'Katanning looking from Railway'

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

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Katanning Historical Society

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Clive Street Katanning
Clive Street Katanning
Back of photograph of Clive Street Katanning
Back of photograph of Clive Street Katanning

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