Baseball WA > Records

Western Australian Brewers baseball team pitchers and players stats - 1985 Claxton Shield


Western Australian Brewers baseball team stats from the 1985 Claxton Shield. These two sheets - one for pitchers' stats and another for players' stats - are photocopies of hand-written stats sheets.



Registration number
30 cm
Height or length
21 cm
Inscriptions and markings

W.A. Brewers Progressive Pitching Stats
Claxton Shield 1985

W.A. Brewers Progressive Stats (cont.)
Claxton Shield 1985

Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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WA Brewers progressive pitcher stats - 1985 Claxton Shield
Western Australian Brewers baseball team pitcher stats - 1985 Claxton Shield
Western Australian Brewers baseball team player stats - 1985 Claxton Shield
Western Australian Brewers baseball team player stats - 1985 Claxton Shield

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