Claremont Teachers College


Four colour photographs of Claremont Teachers College showing aspects of limestone buildings with rough stone quoins, and red tiled roofs.

Single storey lecture room adjoining college hall. Metal fire escape leading from art room above hall. Buildings abut concrete and paved rear courtyard with wooden seat, garden beds, and corrugated iron shed beside which the tray of a small truck is visible.

Art room and tower on left adjoining two storey main college building as seen from the rear. Common room, canteen and refectory on right. Corrugated iron shed and Morris Mini in courtyard.

Terracotta tiled roof of library and Museum of Childhood on left. Old water tower with metal fire escapes undergoing renovation, hall, tower and main building in background. Construction site, red brick toilet block and white car in foreground.

Construction site. Appears to have been some demolition and preparation for extension to what was the Principal's residence on eastern end of main building. Sugar gums of Bay Road in left background; pine trees in front of college seen over roof.

Historical information

Photos taken during restoration and building of additions.



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Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Art room and tower
Claremont Teachers College
Source: Claremont Museum 08.131b
Construction site
Claremont Teachers College
Source: Claremont Museum 08.131d
Terracotta tiled roof of library and Museum of Childhood
Claremont Teachers College
Source: Claremont Museum 08.131c
Lecture room
Claremont Teachers College
Source: Claremont Museum 08.131a

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