22 Barnfield Road, Claremont


The back of the house at 22 Barnfield Road, Claremont. House is brick with tiled roof. Has a back verandah, partially closed in by two lattice screens. Back door can be seen, one window, path and small shrubs near house. Ladder leaning up against wall on verandah. Washing on a line can be seen on far left of photo.

Historical information

22 Barnfield Road was originally part of vacant land at Section 7, owned by Mrs Leila Furze. She divided the land into three parts, which became numbers 18, 20 and 22 Barnfield Road. Mrs Furze sold number 22 to engine fitter Alfred Vale Jones and his wife Annie Victoria. Alfred built an Edwardian style home in 1922. After his death in 1947, the house was inherited by Annie Jones's sister, Edith Valentine Warwicker (nee Carter). The property was sold in 1954 to Edward Flanagan, a civil servant.



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Claremont Museum

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22 Barnfield Road, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 08.187

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