Victoria Steam Mill cart note no.55
1887printed page from a docket book with added information hand-written in ink.
The Victoria Steam Mill was managed and later owned by John S. Maley at North Greenough between 1862-94.
Patrick Butler (1859-1927) was a farmer at Greenough.
William Beeson (1824-92) was convicted of theft and sent to WA on Hashemy in 1850 (convict no.97). He later worked in the Champion Bay district as a carter.
No 55 Victoria Steam Mill
23rd April1887
Received from J.S. Maley, in good order and
condition by, Own Team
Cart for P. Butler
Carting paid by
370 No. of Bags 2 1 1
Fine Flour lbs 400
20 P Cent lbs
Pollard lbs 180
Bran lbs 146
Rec Wm Beeson
his X mark
Whilst the Maley Mill & Store Archives contains numerous cart notes from the 1860s, very few from the latter years of the mill's working period remain. This is also the only note associated with both Patrick Butler and William Beeson.
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- William Saunders account with H. Gray & Co
- hand-drawn map of Central Greenough
- Convict Prison warden's button
- Frozen Charlotte or pudding doll
- Bachelors of Greenough Invitation card
- Invitation to a Bachelors of Greenough Ball
- Ladies of Greenough Invitation Card
- Wedding gift note from Mr & Mrs Waldeck
- 21st Birthday invitation
- small clay model of Catholic Presbytery, Central Greenough
- Invoice from Greenough Post Office to Mr John Maley
- Calvert's Carbolic Toothpaste lid
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