William Saunders account with H. Gray & Co


Business paper with information about H. Gray & Co printed on top, one red horizontal line with five red vertical lines, handwritten entries in ink. Has been folded, damage to creases, some holes, also evidence of sellotape damage to edges.

Historical information

Currently not much is known about William Saunders. He was a labourer at the Geraldine Mine 1855; at Irwin 1856; and a Champion Bay farmer 1868.
Henry Gray was a merchant with a store at Greenough (from 1861) and also at Geraldton (until 1897).



Registration number
Item type
165 mm
Height or length
345 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

And at Manchester House, Greenough Flats Cambrian House, Geraldton, Western Australia June 30 1880
Mr W. Saunders
Bought of H. Gray & Co
Dec 31/79 To a/c rendered 9 5 2
Jan 31 14lbs Onions 1/9 28lbs Potatoes 3/6 5 3
1/4lb Tobacco 4/2 Feby 11th Sardines 1/6 2 0
Feby 11 Loaf 3 1/2 21 Biscuits 1/- Dates 6d 1/4lb Cheese 1/6 1/10 3 8
21 6 New Bags 9/- Basin 1/- 26 4lb Dates 2/4 12 4
26 Wood Pipe 1/6 4lbs Butter 6/- Mch 11th 2 Rub Stones 2/- 9 6
April 10 2 Bots Pain Killer 3/- 1 Lamp 5/6 Cocoa 1/6 10 0
1 Pipe 2/- 1pr Mole Trousers 12/6 pr Braces 1/6 16 0
4lbs Butter 6/8 2 Pannicans 9 Pickles 1/- 8 5
1 Cricket Ball 4/6 3 Tennis Balls 11 L Wicks 1/- 5 5
Cricket Bat 4/6 1 ditto 3/9 17 5lbs Cheese 1/6 7/6 15 9
17 ½lb Biscuits @1/4 2/- 20 Bag 63lbs Sugar 2 4 1/2 1.3.7 1/2 1 5 7½
20 Tin Sardines 8d Loaf 3/2 Box Tea 20lbs @ 2/6 2.10.0 2 10 11½
21 5lbs Butter 1/8 8/4 3lbs Currants 2/- Lollies 6d 10 10
Dates 6d Pain Killer 1/6 Jews Harp 6d 2 6
24 -------------er 1.15.0 May 4th Slate 8d 1 15 8
May 4 Pencils 6d ½lb Tobacco 2/9 1pr Plough Lines 2/- 5 3
Whip Thong 2/6 2 Match Boxes 2/- 7 8lbs Sugar 3/4 7 10
7 5lbs Salt Pork -d 3/4 12 Hank Line 1/- 4lbs Rice 1/- 5 4
12 40lbs Potatoes -- 5/- - Pckts Cocoa 2/- 8lbs Sugar 3/4 10 4
15 4lbs Butter 6/8 3yds Flannel 1/9 5/3 Whip Thong 3/- 14 11
Pain Killer 3/- Onions 6 17 Lollies 6 4 0
17 3½yds Red Flannel 1/9 6/1 1/2 Biscuits 6 Cheese 6 7 1½
22 3 B. Shares 2/6 --lb Tobacco 2/9 Matches 6 10 9
2 School Books 1/6 Kerosene 5 26 112lbs Onions 1/2 14/- 15 11
26 18in Plough Wheel 10/6 173lbs Potatoes 2d 1.8.10 19 4
3lbs Cheese @1/6 4/6 6lbs Butter 10/- 1lb 50z G. Sausage 1/3 1/8 16 2
June 5 Lollies 6 1lb Dates 7 --- 2/- 10 --- 6/8 9 9
1/4lb Salts 3d 1/4lb Senna 1/4 Laces 1/- 1/4lb Blue 6 3 1
4lb Currants 2/8 17 Butchers Knife 1/6 P. Killer 3/- 7 2
17 1lb Tobacco 5/6 Turnip Seeds 6 White Turnip Seeds 9 6 9
Radish Seed 2/- Carrot Seed 1/8 24 1pr Boots 12/6 16 0
£28 8 10
Feby 26 By 6 Sacks 9/- 20 Bus. 18lb Wheat @5/- 5.1.6 5.10. 6
April 10 " 5 Trusses Hay11.2.12 @4/- 2. 6. 4
20 " 6 " " " 13.3.4 @4/- 2.15. 1
May 7 " 6 " " " 15.1.8 @4/- 3. 1. 3
" " " 6 " " " 14.1.12 @4/- 2.17. 5 16 10 7
Dr Balance £12 18 3

Contextual Information

This note provides detailed information about what a person purchased from a store in the 1880s.

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

Organisation Details
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W. Saunders account with H. Gray & Co
William Saunders' account with H. Gray & Co

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