Re-used Shipping Note
1879paper with red printing and handwritten entries in ink. Insect damage where the paper was folded has created 4 holes in centre. Also there is one small hole caused by a metal spike.
Robert John Gooch (b.c1860) was the youngest son of George & Eleanor, and later stepson of William Frederick Waldeck at Greenough. Two years after this invoice was written he was working as an accountant in Geraldton.
33 Flinders Street West
Melbourne (changed to C Bay) 31 August 1877
Mr Maley
To owners of S.S. Julia Percy (changed to Rob Roy)
Robinson & Liley Agents (changed to Crowther & Co)
Marks Trip 9 from C Bay to Fremantle
For Freight [this section is missing] 2 6
For Cr of
R.J. Gooch
This item provides evidence of change of ownership of a shipping company and the recycling of paperwork.
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- Victoria Steam Mill cart note no.55
- William Saunders account with H. Gray & Co
- hand-drawn map of Central Greenough
- Convict Prison warden's button
- Frozen Charlotte or pudding doll
- Bachelors of Greenough Invitation card
- Invitation to a Bachelors of Greenough Ball
- Ladies of Greenough Invitation Card
- Wedding gift note from Mr & Mrs Waldeck
- 21st Birthday invitation
- small clay model of Catholic Presbytery, Central Greenough
- Invoice from Greenough Post Office to Mr John Maley
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