Invitation to a Bachelors of Greenough Ball


Printed card with hand-written name

Historical information

This invitation was sent to Eliza McDermott of Gum Tree Farm, Greenough. She would have been about 29 at that time. Eliza married Albert Criddle in 1913 and moved to Dongara.
St Catherine's Hall was built at Central Greenough in 1898, and in the early 1900s was a very popular social venue. A report of this Bachelors Ball can be found in The Geraldton Guardian, 28th May 1907.



Registration number
Item type
115 mm
Height or length
76 mm
2 mm
Inscriptions and markings

The Bachelors of Greenough
Request the pleasure of the company of
Miss McDermott
at a Ball, to be held in St Catherine's Hall,
Greenough, on Friday evening, May 17th, 1907.
Dancing to commence at 8.30 p.m.
Committee - A.G. McCarthy, W. Wiley, W. Harrison, R. Thompson, G. Connolly
D. Hamersley Hon. Secretary

Contextual Information

This invitation is a scarce survivor of the many social events held at Greenough pre WWI.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
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Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Invitation to a Bachelors of Greenough Ball
Invitation to a Bachelors of Greenough Ball

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