
Rectangular shaped block of carved sandstone. One face with date inscribed, 1857.
Rear face has a rougher more convex shape. All other faces are smooth and flat excluding the top section which, although flat, is rough and slightly pitted.

Historical information

Original placement was atop the main door/entrance to Drummond's Steam Mill, Toodyay, Western Australia.
Built by James Hasell in 1857 on James Drummond Jnr's property (named Mill Farm), the mill was demolished in 1924.



Registration number
40 cm
Height or length
48 cm
28 cm
Inscriptions and markings

A & D

Contextual Information

From Toodyay Herald 8 Nov. 1924, p.3
"Notes on the Road Board meeting, 1 Nov, 1924:
Old Mill Keystone. —Mr Hodgkinson informed the members present of his having heard of an offer being received by the owner of the old mill, which is now demolished, or nearly so, from a Perth firm for certain of the timber, which they proposed converting into a suite of furniture.
This and the keystone was to be exhibited in the Hay St. windows of the firm in question, and subsequently the stone would find a resting place in the garden of one of the principals. This did not at all appeal to that live member of the West Ward and he felt that a relic such as the keystone, rich in historical interest and landmark of earlier days should not be dissipated in such manner, but should be secured by the Board and preserved for futurity by subsequent presentation to the Public Museum, together with a large photograph of the old mill as it had stood for over half a century. The chairman heartily supported Mr Hodgkinson's suggestions and emphasised the desirability of our not losing due regard altogether for the sentimental and aesthetic side of life.
The members were unanimous in their agreement and it was decided, on the motion of Messrs Phillips and Twine that the chairman and Mr Hodgkinson interview the owner, Mr Hollingworth, with power to purchase the keystone at a reasonable figure."

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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Drummond's Mill keystone
Drummond's Mill keystone 1857

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