
Handwritten single A4 pages of lined notepaper of Ron E. Waters memories. NB: Some are photocopies, some are originals. Some are accompanied by photocopies of photos.
a) Account of Miss Kath Butterly. Handwritten original document written and signed by Ron Ernest Waters on his memories with Kath Butterly. He reveals some details of Ron's childhood interactions with Miss Butterly and includes names of people and places.
b) WW2 plane spotters. Account by Ron Waters of aircraft spotting during World War 2 in the Dewars Pool area.
c) On Botanist Thomas Waters. Ron Waters account of his ancestor and botanist Thomas Waters. Accompanied with photo (copy) Jug and mug of Botanist Thomas Waters.
d) On school during WW2. Ron's account of school days and what girls and boys did at school to take their minds off World War 2. Accompanied with photo (copy) of items made by Ron E. Waters during WW2.
e) On game of Fox & Geese. Account by Ron Waters of a board game named Fox and Geese which he played as a young lad on the board of his grandfather. Accompanied with photo of game, Fox & Geese.

Historical information

Transcription of d) about school life during WW2.
"When I was a boy at Toodyay State School we had a real nice Manual shed to do woodwork. One room had a grindstone which was turned by hand by one boy while the other boy sharpened Plain (sic) blades and chisels. The Grindstone was running in a trough of water.
In the main room down the centre was racks that held Plains (sic), chisels wooden malets (sic), saws, a tool to set at all different angles and other tools. Down both side (sic) of the shed was quiet (sic) a lot of benches with vices attached. We made toys out of wood, such as money boxes, Puppets, I made a match box holder you hung on the wall, when full had twelve boxes of matches, pot stand out of pine timber. I made these when I was elven years old in 1943. The Headmaster was very good at woodwork. While us boys did woodwork the girls did sewing and cooking in another shed and took home some of their work to show their mother and Father. Both of these took our mind off the war."



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Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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collection of handwritten accounts, some with photos
photo of fox and geese game

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