26 Bay Road, Claremont


Front of large one story homestead, verandah with steps visible on left side of photograph. Right side dominated by creeper bush that obscures that side of house, roof visible above on top right. Part of tree on left hand side.

Historical information

Home of the Hon. William James George and family. Originally the George property extended from Hammond Road to King Street and from Bay Road to Dunbar Road. The estate was subdivided in 1937 into 35 building blocks. The estate was cut into two parts by the construction of a new street known as George Avenue running parallel with Bay Road. The home was then known as Taplow Convalescent Home until 1945 when the home was sold for 6,000 pounds to the Silver Chain for the creation of Alfred Carson Nursing Home. The old home was demolished in the early 1960s to make way for a new wing.



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Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Front elevation
26 Bay Road, Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 06.281

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