Nurse Hilda Grace Williams Grave

c. 1985

Leaf strewn grave surrounded by shrubbery and marked with simple cross bearing [RIP] on upright and [NURSE H WILLIAMS] on crossbar.

Historical information

Hilda Grace Williams. Daughter of William & Louisa. Trained as nurse at Children's Hospital (now PMH) and qualified in 1912. In December 1918 she volunteered to nurse soldiers from the ship 'Boonah'. They had contracted Spanish Influenza in Sth Africa and on return were quarantined at Woodman Point. She fell ill and died on 4 January 1919. Buried within the Quarantine Station and family were not permitted to attend. Grave is still marked (2005) with wooden cross. Apparently there is no other memorial to her although the other three nurses, members of the Australian Army Nursing Service, who died at the time were given military funerals and have official war graves.



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Nurse Hilda Grace Williams Grave
Source: Claremont Museum 06.53

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