Building The Claremont Police And Citizens Boy's Club


Three photographs of the building The Claremont Police And Citizens Boy's Club.

Framework of clubrooms as seen from Davies Road, Claremont. Timber in foreground and dead Tuart trees, Butler's Swamp and houses of Swanbourne in background.

Some cladding and shutters fixed, two lads on roof. Man in dark trousers, light shirt and braces with a lad in shorts carrying a plank towards building.

Young woman in dark skirt and light top, with large teapot and blackened billy, making tea on heap of timber beside building.

Historical information

The Claremont Police And Citizens Boy's Club commenced in a hut in Davies Road, Claremont next to the Scout Hall, moved to the disused Swanbourne Picture Theatre and then later to the MTT Bus Depot in Lapsley Road. For many years the officer in charge of the club, Sergeant Dave Henneker lived at 66 Victoria Avenue, Claremont in quarters that are now part of the Claremont Museum. Long Point (formal name Becher Point) is located Port Kennedy, south of Rockingham.



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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 06.6'.

Claremont Museum

Claremont Museum

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Framework of clubrooms as seen from Davies Road
Source: Claremont Museum 06.6a
Making tea on heap of timber beside the building
Source: Claremont Museum 06.6c
Some cladding and shutters fixed
Source: Claremont Museum 06.6d

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